Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation
We hope you enjoyed reading our four blog posts on Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation. If you missed them they are listed below;
- Passing your pension on to loved ones
- Understanding IHT liability
- Using gifts to reduce IHT
- Tips for leaving more to loved ones
If you would like some further reading you can now download a free guide to estate planning Estate planning – get started on planning for what you leave behind produced by Prudential containing impartial guidance on where to start with estate planning.
We also have our own guides to estate planning
Guide to Inheritance Tax Planning
Guide to investing for children and grandchildren
And our services brochure for our Lyndhurst Heritage service
Please contact us if you would further help in this area.
Focus on Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation
All this month, we have focused on Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation. The blogs listed above are full of hints, tips and guidance on where to start with estate planning. Our free guide to estate planning is available to download here “Estate planning – get started on planning for what you leave behind”
If you would like to know more about how we can help assist you with estate planning our Lyndhurst Heritage service has been specifically designed to meet this objective. Visit our Lyndhurst Heritage section and download our services brochure.