Lyndhurst Client Portal - Lyndhurst Financial

Introducing our Lyndhurst Client Portal

A clear, uncomplicated view of your finances in one place. Your investments, savings, pensions, insurances, bank accounts, credit cards, store cards, mortgages, loans and property alongside all the associated paperwork.

Lyndhurst Client Portal - Lyndhurst Financial

Discover the Lyndhurst Client Portal

For full details about our new client portal download our brochure and frequently asked questions or watch the video below to find out about how our client portal can benefit you and your future finances.

What if you are a new or existing client?

As an existing client of Lyndhurst, your adviser will talk to you in detail about this at your review. If you would like to enquire today about the client portal or you are a new client please register your interest now Just visit our Contact form and select Client portal as the option from the enquiry type.

Download our new client portal for your mobile & tablet device from the following links:



View on the Google Play App Store



View on the Apple App Store