One of the wraps we use for our clients is the Standard Life Wrap.
There are many reasons why we feel their wrap proposition compliments our service proposition. Our advisers and support staff have had extensive training on the operation of the Standard Life wrap which takes out some of the administration burden of managing our clients investments and let’s us concentrate our time with our clients instead.
You can’t actually setup a Standard Life wrap account without a financial adviser. We were chosen many years ago to be a preferred partner of Standard Life although we are not restricted in our advice and use other wrap products and providers where we feel it is appropriate.
On the basis that you need a financial adviser to assist in the administration of your account, if your adviser has recently retired or left the industry as many have due to RDR (Retail Distribution Review) you may be left without an adviser.
Here is where we might be able to help. Moving your Standard Life wrap from one adviser to another is a fairly straight forward process. Finding one who offers a suitable wealth management service and embraces the Standard Life wrap might be more difficult. Fortunately if you are in this position and reading this we can help.
Contact us and speak to one of our independent financial advisers to see how we can help.