Divorce Settlements – How Focus for Women at Lyndhurst Financial Management Can Help Women Make The Best Financial Decisions
The divorce is finalised, the decree is absolute, the separation complete and the financial settlement has been agreed. With 42% of marriages currently ending in divorce, this is a situation that many women find themselves in.
However, while some divorcees are already adept at managing their finances, for others who are used to shared assets and having a husband who handled most of the bills and family finances they can find themselves in totally new and quite scary territory.
BBC TV will soon be showing a new series, The Split, which focuses on the life of a divorce lawyer and her children. According to the Sunday Times magazine and the series writer Abi Morgan, divorce law is an area dominated by female lawyers and London is considered the divorce capital of the world because women, especially those in ‘mega’ divorce claims, get the best deals over here.
Johanna Haigh, a Financial Adviser at Lyndhurst Financial Management says
We set up our Focus for Women department because we wanted to offer a specialised service for women who find themselves in either unfamiliar circumstances because of a divorce or an inheritance, or if their career is thriving and they want to plan for pensions and investments to make the most of their income.
Our aim is always to help our clients make better financial decisions for themselves. Our expertise is in guidance and knowing the financial marketplace inside out. It’s vitally important for women to prepare and secure their financial futures, whether they are married, single or widowed. Very often children are involved and the stress of separation or bereavement can be overwhelming if you also have to think about finances and budgets, perhaps for the first time in your life.
We are very friendly and welcoming and we provide a free initial no-obligation consultation so that our clients can feel comfortable talking about their finances without making any commitment. Whatever the situation, where finances and assets are concerned we would always recommend that people get professional advice.